【EDIQ & 纳兰寻风】Yuezheng Longya & Yanhe – City of the Young 少年城【English Translation】

With sincerity, the young man raises a lance against the shield
I am unafraid and uninterested, your just cause is a road travelled by few
Scaling the peaks, to allow the fledgling bird to soar
May it lift the tides, may it break past the clouds to see the breaking dawn

《少年城》, City of the Young, 2017

Part of the series 《孔雀大明》 by EDIQ

Vocaloid Version (sung by Yuezheng Longya & Yanhe, tuned by 纳兰寻风): [Link]
Human Vocals Version (sung by Aki阿杰& ediq): [Link]

《孔雀大明》Album Links: [Part 1 (QQ Music)] [Part 2 (QQ Music)]

Lyrics: ediq
Composition: 西门振 (Ximen Zhen) & ediq;
Arrangement: 西门振 (Ximen Zhen)
Tuning: 纳兰寻风 (Na Lan Xun Feng)
Illustration: pora
PV: 酱油红 (Jiang You Hong)


A song published in Part 2 of the 《孔雀大明》 music series, this song describes the childhoods of Lie Yan Jiang Yang (烈焰将央 name meaning ‘The Raging Flames will End’) and Zhu Yin (烛吟 name meaning ‘Candle Sings’), two of the three last survivors out of Huo Lang’s (火狼 name meaning ‘Fire Wolves’) troops.

English Translation

Please keep in mind that due to my lack of familiarity with the whole music series 《孔雀大明》that this translation is likely to contain several errors/inconsistencies

Green Text: Yuezheng Longya (Lie Yan Jiang Yang)
Teal Text: Yanhe (Zhu Yin)

周车覆辙掷地有声 陇外少年人
管得三更四更 有灯无灯
呛一口沙尘 破城

The tracks of the overturned cart, resounding powerfully
The young man outside of Long
Regardless of whether it is the third or fourth night period [1], whether it is dark or alit
He chokes on a mouthful of sand and dust
As the city is breached

天有多高会怎么着 他不需知晓
活得坦坦率率 殊途同了
没烦不烦恼 自找

花红了多好有什么好 压折了枝梢
随性情就好 拾一枝他见招拆招
满城郭黑风暴 三两人彻夜喧嚣
数万千寂寥 再碰杯再傻傻笑笑

How tall the skies are, without a way to reach for it, but he doesn’t need to know it by heart
Living bluntly and simply, all roads ending the same way
No need to go through unnecessary troubles, to bring it upon yourself

The flowers are bloomed, but what good is there?
As the branches are pressed on and broken by the weight
It’s fine to just follow your whims
Picking a stick up, but he long saw it coming
Around the city walls a dark storm is blowing over
While a few people are making noise all night long
Many a person is left lonely in the silence
Clinking glasses, they laugh like stupid fools

我无畏无聊 你得道寡道
能掀起浪潮 能穿云见破晓

With sincerity, the young man raises a lance against the shield
I am unafraid and uninterested, your just cause is a road travelled by few
Scaling the peaks, to allow the fledgling bird to soar
May it lift the tides, may it break past the clouds to see the breaking dawn

切身为吾无身及吾 将宠辱皆输
命痣生来眉角 泄于发梢
孤独领一生 风骚

花落了多好有什么好 冰结了枝梢
呵口气笑道 少年虎他打灯去照
千川雪锦翎毛 久候你迟迟未到
远山有狼啸 想今宵欠几分热闹

Caring for myself first and foremost, abandoning regard for favours and disgrace [2]
A mole above the tips of my eyebrow, peeking out from my hair ends
A life of solitude will lead my literary excellence

The flowers are shed, but what good is there?
As the branches are frozen into ice
Exhaling and laughing
The young man intimidates him into lighting up the lamps
A plumage as bright as snow covering the great plains
Long awaits you, late and not yet arrived
In the far mountains the wolves whistle
It looks like tonight is lacking in some trouble

衍生出浮躁 界定于轻佻
早丰满翎毛 它穿云破青霄

Feelings are easily known [3]
Giving rise to restlessness, but stopped before recklessness
On the young man’s shoulder is a fledgling bird
With a fine and rich plumage, it breaks past the clouds, past the blue skies above

或枉此一生 大不了亡我惊涛

A win or loss will decide whether we are to gain or lose
The anger burning is like the burning fur of a leopard
But the misfortunes of human emotions are inextricable
Might I waste this life
It won’t be so bad, as I’m subjugated under the turbulent waves

花椒树下走小马 炊烟缭绕远人家
(胜负裁决 失去得到)
不问阿弟何处去 青川遍野踩落霞
(怒目似豹 业火皮毛)
莫问阿弟何时还 上弯儿山雨冲金沙
(命中情劫 劫数难逃)
皑石渡口浪呀大呀 阿姐落泪不说话

Under the prickly ash tree a small horse gallops, the smokes from the chimney linger around the house afar
(A win or loss will decide whether we are to gain or lose)
Not asking where dear younger brother is going, with the lush fields all around, stepping upon the sunset clouds
(The anger burning is like the burning fur of a leopard)
Don’t ask when dear younger brother will return, uphill the bend, the downpour strikes against the sands
(The misfortunes of human emotions are inextricable)
Striking against the white stone pier are large waves, while dear old sister sheds a tear, without saying a word
(Might I waste this life)

他无畏无聊 我得道寡道
能掀起浪潮 能穿云破晓
衍生出浮躁 界定于轻佻
早丰满翎毛 它穿云破青霄

With sincerity, the young man raises a lance against the shield
He is unafraid and uninterested, my just cause is a road travelled by few
Scaling the peaks, to allow the fledgling bird to soar
May it lift the tides, may it break past the clouds to see the breaking dawn
Feelings are easily known [3]
Giving rise to restlessness, but stopped before recklessness
On the young man’s shoulder is a fledgling bird
With a fine and rich plumage, it breaks past the clouds, past the blue skies above

[1] 三更 ‘the third night period / the third geng’, the time between 23:00-01:00. 四更 ‘the fourth night period / the fourth geng’, the time between 01:00-03:00.
[2] 切身为吾无身及吾 将宠辱皆输 is a reference to the 13th chapter of 道德经 (Dao De Jing) [Link], a passage instructing would-be rulers to favour their selves over fears of failure (and success).
[3] 情就是六孔七窍 lit. ‘Feelings are (of) six holes (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils) and seven apertures (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils and 1 mouth)

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