【鸽稀拉】Luo Tianyi – Choice 选择【English Translation】

What have I obtained? What have I lost for it?

Original: [Link]

Music & Lyrics: 鸽稀拉 / Gexila (Previously known as 公兔 / Gong Tu)
Design & Movie: Tico
Bass: 哇哈哈哈哈密瓜 / Wahahahahamigua

English Translation

A. 公兔
B. 鸽稀拉
C. 鸽国国王
D. 兔鸽鸽

Who’s going to write the song?
A. 公兔 (Gong Tu)
B. 鸽稀拉 (Ge Xi La)
C. 鸽国国王 (King of the Pigeons)
D. 兔鸽鸽 (Rabbit Pigeon Pigeon)

A. Titi
B. Coco
C. Tico
D. Taco

Who’s going to draw?
A. Titi
B. Coco
C. Tico
D. Taco

A. 哇哈哈密瓜
B. 哇哈哈哈蜜瓜
C. 哇哈哈哈密瓜
D. 哇哈哈哈哈密瓜

Who’s going to play bass?
A. 哇哈哈密瓜 (Wahaha Migua)
B. 哇哈哈哈蜜瓜 (Wahahaha Migua)
C. 哇哈哈哈密瓜 (Wahahaha Migua)
D. 哇哈哈哈哈密瓜 (Wahahahaha Migua)

A. 洛天依
B. 阿8
C. 世界第一吃货殿下
D. 老婆

Who’s going to sing?
A. Luo Tianyi
B. Lil miss 8
C. The #1 big eater in the whole wide world
D. Waifu

又在纠结了 该不该说呢
昨夜今夜明夜 夜夜辗转反侧

It’s another mess again – should I say something?
Last night, tonight, tomorrow night – tossing and turning through each night and the next
Before finally being awoken by the alarm

又在犹豫了 该听谁的呢
他说她说它说 说说又能如何

It’s another dilemma again – who should I listen to?
So he says, so she says, so it says – but even saying such, what can I do?
Ah well, it’s nothing but what-if’s anyway

某一天 人生也可以 随时读取和保存

Lately I’ve been fantasizing the possibility
That one day, we’ll also be able to read and write our lives from a save file!

反复猜测 揣测 才发现没有对策
不停选择 抉择 然后深深自责
反复猜测 揣测 却又要重蹈覆辙
不停选择 抉择 就算陷入水深火热

Over and over, we’ve been taking guesses and feeling our way in the dark – but there was never a way about it
We’ll always be worrying about what we’ve won and lost
Never once stopping, we’ve made choices one after another, and blaming ourselves for it
Would it be more worth it to drop my sincerity and take up a mask of pretense?
Over and over, we’ve been taking guesses and feeling our way in the dark – but it’s the same old road to ruin
So really, congratulations!
Never once stopping, we’ve made choices one after another, come hell or high water
So there’s no need to let your nerves get to you

A. 流行
B. 爵士
C. 摇滚
D. 电子

What style to play with?
A. Pop
B. Jazz
C. Rock
D. Electronic

A. 1645
B. 436
C. 1451
D. 6543

What harmony to use?
A. 1645
B. 436
C. 1451
D. 6543

A. 双拼粽子天下第一
B. 假如猫咪学会哭泣
C. 仿生鸡肉能祭拜电子神仙吗
D. 抓阄决定吧

What is the song going to be about?
A. Shuangpin meat dumplings are the best
B. What if kitty cats were to learn how to cry tears
C. Does bionic chicken meat pray to electric gods?
D. Take a straw and pick

A. 会
B. 不会
C. 绝对会的
D. 大概可能确实是不会

Will you be liked?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Absolutely yes
D. Well probably, almost certainly, no

又在烦恼了 该怎样快乐
难事傻事屁事 事事难以预测

It’s another night of worrying again – what do I need to do, to feel happy?
It’s not so easy, it’s all so stupid, it’s all just bull – no matter what I do, there’s just no seeing the future
Again, it’s fallen back to being a knot of complications

为什么 不试着放下早被翻烂的剧本

Nothing but worrying about unplanned circumstances
Well, maybe I should just drop this long busted script to begin with!

反复猜测 揣测 才发现没有对策
不停选择 抉择 然后深深自责
反复猜测 揣测 却又要重蹈覆辙
不停选择 抉择 就算陷入水深火热

Over and over, we’ve been taking guesses and feeling our way in the dark – but there was never a way about it
We’ll always be worrying about what we’ve won and lost
Never once stopping, we’ve made choices one after another, and blaming ourselves for it
Would it be more worth it to drop my sincerity and take up a mask of pretense?
Over and over, we’ve been taking guesses and feeling our way in the dark – but it’s the same old road to ruin
So really, congratulations!
Never once stopping, we’ve made choices one after another, come hell or high water
So there’s no need to let your nerves get to you

该怎么选择 他们才会满意呢
该怎么选择 所有感官已经麻木了
该怎么选择 才称得上所谓的完美平衡
我得到了什么 而代价又是什么

What should I choose? So they’ll all be satisfied?
What should I choose? All my senses have long been numbed
What should I choose? So I can achieve that so-called perfect equilibrium
What have I obtained? What have I lost for it?


You might think I’m being unreasonable, but I’ve always taken on you guys’ feedback
Am I a part of my work, or is my work a part of me?
I don’t want to lose my passion yet, I don’t want to stop creating just yet
Can you treat me like someone alive, treat me in a way that I’d like?
Don’t go, please?
Ah well, I guess they’ve all left.

反复猜测 揣测 才发现全是胡扯
不停选择 抉择 凡事没有定则
反复猜测 揣测 就任他重蹈覆辙
不停选择 抉择 就算陷入水深火热

Over and over, we’ve been taking guesses and feeling our way in the dark – only to find it’s all bullshit anyway
There’s always someone who’ll have too much to say
Never once stopping, we’ve made choices one after another, but there’s no rules to things in nature
So there’s no need to always be looking over your shoulder
Over and over, we’ve been taking guesses and feeling our way in the dark – so let me fall into the same old mistakes
‘Till I’ve gone and truly learnt
Never once stopping, we’ve made choices one after another, come hell or high water
So I think it’s enough, just being me

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